Tuesday, May 28, 2019

20 things to do on the toilet

Having a chronic illness that attacks your bowels leads to plenty of toilet bonding time!! Here's a list of 20 things you can do while you're chillin' on the can:

1. Read the back of every shampoo bottle in your shower
2. Sing the entire Bohemian Rapsody (quality is not part of this discussion)
3. Call a friend or family member for a chat
4. Write a blog post about what to do when you're stuck on a toilet *wink-wink*
5. Scroll through any and all social media
6. Reply to your emails
7. Watch an episode of your favorite show
8. Post something motivational to your social media
9. Make today's to-do list
10. Ponder your place in the universe
11. Practice a foreign language on Duolingo
12. Memorize pi (yes the number)
13. Read a new book
14. Watch an assortment of random YouTube videos
15. Brush your hair 100 stroke
16. Moan and groan about your bowels
17. Pet your poochie
18. Cancel plans for the day
19. Plan your wedding on Pinterest
20. Yell, "I'll be done in a minute!" To the hoard banging down your door

What would you add to the list?

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