Saturday, January 22, 2022


   Ever heard the saying: "Don't reinvent the wheel"Usually, it's used when you're trying to do something relatively simple and instead of using the path already paved, you're trying to find your own way crashing around in the bushes and in the process making it so much harder for yourself. Integrity falls right smack dap in the center of this concept. I mean it seems like such a simple concept: don't lie, don't cheat, don't compromise your beliefs. If you live with integrity and then *boom* happy and successful life.   

    Is this really true though? And if it is why is there so much pressure about living with Integrity?   

    I think when you choose to live with integrity in every aspect of your life you put a big target on your back. Look at Abraham Lincoln, he was so well known as an honest man that he got the nickname "Honest Abe." And look how things ended up for him? In all seriousness though, Abraham Lincoln is a personal hero of mine because he chose at every opportunity to live according to his beliefs and what was right. He focused not on the cost of his honesty and beliefs but instead on the blessings and goodness that would come from them.  

    There is a cost to being a person of integrity. You may be judged as a prude by others, you may not have the gain others get from their seedy choices, you often walk alone. But the blessings that come from your choices will far out way the challenges.  


    You will never have others question you or your actions. You will always have the confidence of your loved ones. You will always have a sense of inner peace because you are living true to your beliefs. You will have healthy relationships with others both privately and professionally. You will be able to impact change within society. Others will listen to and respect you-- even if they don't agree with you.  


    Having Integrity starts with a commitment and then every day and by a thousand little choices you follow through. Integrity means to be true to yourself first and always; no matter where, no matter why you chose what’s right. Integrity has a cost but I believe it is and always will be worth it. My choice is integrity. I hope yours will be too.  

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Repost of an assignment!

For one of my classes I have to write blog posts reflecting on what I've learned and experienced. Obviously I created a new blog for this haha! But I felt like my first reflection was good enough to be on this blog too. So here's a copy and pasted version! 

The first day of something new is never easy and my first day of online school was no different. 

After going over the syllabus and doing several readings I got to the quiz. At first everything was fine, I'm answering questions feeling comfortable with my understanding and then there's a question I don't instantly know the answer to, followed by another and another. Dread, that's all I could feel and suddenly the bombardment of negativity hits; you're not smart enough, you're going to fail, you can't do this. For a moment I believed those lies and then I felt reminded that this was no ordinary online school, this was a place where I could grow intellectually and spiritually. I mean I'd read a talk by an Apostle as part of my class assignments! So I took a deep breath and started to pray, not to be given the answers, to have peace, to know my worth and to just do my best. 

I know that may not have been the purpose of my first day of school but that experience gave me the chance to learn exactly what God needed me too learn. I was surprised as I've reflected on this experience that it relates well to the mission statement shared by Elder Bednar in his address: Your Whole Souls as an Offering Unto Him. He said,

"The mission of Ricks College has four important and interrelated parts:   1. Build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage living its principles. 2. Provide a quality education for students of diverse interests and abilities. 3. Prepare students for further education and employment, and for their roles as citizens and parents. 4. Maintain a wholesome academic, cultural, social and spiritual environment."

The purpose of this class was explained as a place to learn about ourselves, so that we can become our best selves and be prepared for further opportunities in our life. I am grateful for the reminder that although I may be studying online and alone I am not alone. I have the ability to invite the spirit to help me throughout every class and assignment and experience. I know that as I do my part in this class to learn and to be worthy of the Spirit I will succeed the way Heavenly Father wants me to. And I'm just so excited for what's to come! 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Farewell 2021

Farewell 2021!! I can't believe how quickly the year came to an end. Let's do a quick little recap of the past year;

•I read 22 books throughout the year. Including rereading the entire Harry Potter series during the month of July. 

•Started going to institute again, loved my class on Forgiveness and Repentance. Plus I made some friends. (:

•Got called to serve as a 1st councilor in the Stake Primary. I have felt overwhelmed... and uncertain but I've also felt that I have the opportunity to be a blessing to others because of and through my calling. 

•Witnessed the passing of my Grandmother. It was one of the most painful experiences and yet somehow it was also one of the most spiritual. 

•Got myself a puppy!! He's the cutest little boy and is such a sweetie. I'm so grateful I get to care for him and for all the love he brings into my life. 

•Asked a guy out on a date- he didn't say yes but I felt proud that I took step to change and move toward the future I want. 

•Decided to go back to school. It was kinda a crazy moment for me but January 5th I start my business degree through BYU-Pathways. I never thought I'd get here, but it feels right. 

•Bought my first car! Thanks Grandma!! 

•Gained some weight, lost some weight. 

•Started therapy, it was good and helpful and I should probably go back but "ain't nobody got time for that." 

•Made hot chocolate bombs for the first time! They sold well and were so tasty!! 

•Learn more about the atonement than ever before! Gained a person testimony of it's power and saw it help me change in my life. 

•Made it through the year without anything going up my butt ;) no colonoscopy or sigmoid for this girl!! 

•Baked for 3 weddings this year among doing many other events. 

This year wasn't perfect. But the good outweighed the bad. The blessing were ever present this year and I'm excited for what 2022 will offer!