Thursday, April 25, 2019

March Book

So my posting has gotten painfully lazy as of late... but here I am now.

The book I read in March was one highly recommended to me entitled Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Not so very long ago it was on a list of like 10 books everyone should read. I honestly don't know if it's still there or not. However I will reccomend this book to literally anyone who asks!!

The first half of the book is Viktor sharing his experiences during WWII in different concentration camps and how he developed Logotherapy. The second half of the book is a in depth explanation of Logotherapy. Not gonna lie here the second half was a bit difficult to follow.

There was so so much quality content in this book. It's difficult to pinpoint just one or two to mention. I'll do my best though;
The first I'd like to mention is Viktor Frankl's compassion for his fellow man. Even as he described his life in camp and the cruelty of the Nazi's and even some of the prisoners he never was judgemental of harsh. Instead he always expressed compassion and even understanding of their actions and choices. I think that says a lot about his ability to he and overcome his experiences.
The second thing taught in the book that stood out to me was as he discussed suffering he made the analogy that suffering is like a gas and it fills any room equally. And basically he was saying that it doesn't matter what your suffering is or even how bad it is it can still consume you (or fill you like gas in a room). And regardless of what the suffering is the way we overcome it is the same.
And third his belief that regardless of our circumstances life can have meaning if we choose to make meaningful three aspects of our life: in work (doing something significant), in love (caring for others) and in courage during trials and difficulties. I thought this was an awesome. The idea that life can have meaning and even be fulfilling in a concentration camp seems pretty farfetched however Frankl lived it, he found meaning and he saw others find it too. And in some ways that's what makes this book and Logotherapy have any credit at all. Becuase anyone can find meaning in their life, no matter the circumstances or difficulties you face. And that is an empowering thought.