Saturday, February 16, 2019

January Book

So for the new year I set a goal to read 1 meaningful book each month. And my meaningful I'm taking not a fictional fluffy YA novel, which is my usual choice. I also define meaningful as something that makes me feel inspired or motivated. I just wanna be moved you know?
So I started my goal strong by reading Let It Go: A True Story of Tragedy and Forgiveness by Chris Williams.

Which you can learn more about on goodreads:

However if you don't wanna do that here's the skinny: Chris Williams along with his pregnant wife and 3 of his 4 children were in a tragic drink driving accident. He survived as did one of his children. After the accident he responded with forgiveness and encouraged all who hear his story to react with love and not hate.

This was truly a powerful story and it really did touch my heart. I finished it while I was sitting at a YMCA and there were definitely some tears shed. Truly I was moved and inspired. The idea that someone could face such an incredible tragedy and not turn to despair and hate. Now he did have his moments and he acknowledged that but he also didn't stay there.

Since getting sick feelings of crushing depression and anxiety have become old friends of mine. And I'm learning slowly but surely that these feeling are real and valid. The wrong response is belittling and punishing yourself for being human and having struggles. The better response is to let them come, cry it out, listen to these feelings. But then wipe you're eyes, let those feelings go and get back up.

Another lesson illustrated in this book was Chris never blamed anyone or anything for what happened. And he never turned against God. He always saw God's love even in the tragedy he faced. And he realized that the only person he could turn to in this trail was God. His humility was inspiring as was his ability to hold onto his faith. He never lost his trust in God's plan.

One of the real challenges I've faced while being sick and dealing with all of the firsts of chronic illness is my ability to truly trust God. I don't think there is a quick solution to trusting in God. Developing trust in God comes from frequent and consistent experiences with Him. I believe trust comes from our  relationship to Him. The ability to submit fully to his will is also something I believe must be learned, so it too takes time. My ability to trust him is still strained but I'm holding onto what I know and waiting for the answers to what I don't.

Overall I'd give this book a 10/10! If you want a book that can inspire and make you cry a little bit then this is for you. If you want a book that teaches you about family, faith and forgiveness then this is for you. So give it a chance!

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