Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Trying out Curable

If you live with a chronic illness or if you're a frequent guest of the doctors office than you've probably, at one point or another, been told, "Well, you might just need to learn to live with this." In my last post I expressed how much no one wants to hear that! Everytime I hear that I feel like I die a little inside, it hurts to imagine that this pain or this issue is something I just have to learn to be okay with. And sometimes it feels impossible to even imagine living one more day with this problem let alone another 50 years. 
So what do we do? Do we crawl into our beds and cry? Yes... well maybe if it helps you cope for the minute go for it! Do we scream and cry and ask "why me?" Probably... however this is less helpful even than staying in bed. What I believe we have to do is activate our inner Pollyanna. Get a little perspective! Be grateful for something, anything! And find a tiny sliver of hope and happiness. Then we get to work! If the doctor doesn't have the answer don't give up! Keep looking and searching! Be you're own advocate and find solutions even if they only work for you! 
This is where the Curable App comes in. I've been following Curable on Instagram for a while now and when I found out they have an app I was very interested. So I downloaded the app and I've been trying to use it regularly ever since! Curable is all about helping treat, manage and function with pain. It's basically like a pain clinic right on your phone! It offers education, meditation, exercises and writing. This is meant to be used regularly. I've really enjoyed it all do far. And I'm so excited to see if there is improvement!! I'll keep y'all posted! 

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