Monday, October 21, 2019

Flare-up Rules

So you're in a flare up, it sucks obviously, but what do you do now? Here are some hard and fast rules that have helped me! 

1. You can only call out sick from work IF you have diarrhea, are vomiting, or have a fever. They need you to be there, and you can do this!  

2. You have dietary restrictions! Corn will end you! Dairy is a no-no! So JUST SAY NO!

2.5 You must eat food everyday! Your body needs to be fed, find something it will eat! 

3. You must brush you're teeth and put on deodorant EVERYDAY! Changing clothes is optional changing underwear recommend. 

4. You have to get out of bed everyday. No specific requirements on the amount of time spent outside of bed and you can get back in it however often as you need too. 

5. You must see and feel the sun everyday! Through your bedroom window doesn't really count and you know that. Go get some of that D! 

6. Be nice to someone everyday! Kindness counts and will make you feel a little better. 

7. You are not allowed to wallow! Cry about your afflictions for a moment feel  all the sorrow and suffering, and then remember that the sun still shines and tomorrow will be better than today. 

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