Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Feburary Book

Honestly I was super lazy about getting a book read for feburary and it doesn't help that it's a short month, you know?
So finally in a desperate dash to keep my goal strong I took a book recommended by my dad called, Painting as a Pastime by Winston Churchill.

Okay so the basic premise of the book is to deal with stress you need a healthy outlet, in other words a "pass time." He explains the concept of work and relaxation and then makes a case for painting being the solution to all.

I gotta say this book was an easy read, which I was looking for. It was also a very visual book his ability to describe things was absolutely beautiful!! But I did kinda fall flat to me. It just wasn't the powerhouse meaningful I'm gonna make a change because of this book I was looking for. Which was kinda a bummer.

I really loved how he wrote and you could feel his passion. I think passion goes hand in hand with purpose. Without passion purpose doesn't last. I was truly impressed by how much Churchill loved painting. It was beautiful and frankly seeing another's passion is always inspiring to some degree.  I mean imagine living with that kind of passion for something every day. Maybe not about painting but about something and letting it change and affect the very essence of who you are.

I also liked a simple maybe unintentional lesson that was taught. When you have a passion you must try to pass it on to others.  Tell that what you love, why you love it and encourage them to give it a try. But more than that simple encourage them to find their own passion. Whatever it is and pursue it with all their heart.

So yeah, maybe it was kinda a dull read and painting isn't really my end all thing. But passion for life and belief that you can do anything. That's my thing. And if it's yours I'd say give this cute little book a chance.

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