Monday, October 5, 2020

What did I learn?

Story time; my brother and I decided what we wanted more than anything for dinner was eggs rolls! Yum!! We know a great local place and they make the best egg rolls, I'm literally drooling just thinking about it. However I, in my infinite wisdom, decided we could not just eat egg rolls and therefore would run to the store and buy some noodles to go with them. As we were leaving the store it was raining, no problem there I love a little rain. I hurried to the car and after getting in the door I realized to my ultimate horror that I had lost my actual key, my key to start the car, the car that would allow us to leave the store. I immediately tried to think back to where and when I had my keys, certain I'd had them before checking out I ran back inside to retrace my steps. I was becoming more panicked as I hurried through isles and looked along the floor and under edges of shelves. No dice, nothing to be found. I began to pray, something to the affect of Heavenly Father I really, really actually need help. I don't have any other solution, there isn't an easy answer or different solution. I need my keys to get home, to work, to use my car. I need help now more than before. As I was heading back outside feeling fear and doubt I looked to the ground (still anxiously searching for my keys) and saw a penny, now for those who know that's a bit of a big deal for me. Then I walked further and there was another penny and another. Those pennys led me right out the door with the ultimate usurance that God had heard my prayer, He was answering me and I knew without doubt that I was loved and not alone. After walking out the door I immediately saw my brother who was called out to me, he had found my key.  

This experience has been pressing on my heart and my thoughts and here is what I think I needed to learn or relearn from this: 
1. God doesn't often answer my prayers how I would expect or exactly as I asked. If my prayer had been answered as I expected I would've finished praying and then looking on the ground I would've seen my key directly in front of me and all would be well. I would've left and forgotten the whole experience.
2. God does answer prayers! Mine and yours! I was reminded that God does answer me; sometimes quickly (in moments of desperate need) but other times slowly or seemingly not at all. In those moments I often feel that He's simply shut the door and I'm on my own. In my head I know that's wrong but in my heart its just how I feel. This was an important reminder that not only am I heard I'm answered. 
3. The most important answer that we can receive from Him is a reminder of His love. That's what those penny's were. It was a quite moment were I knew God has seen me, and He love me. Flaws and all. I'm grateful to know that. 

So that's what I learned, hopefully you've learned something too.

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