Friday, September 25, 2020


Let's talk about crafting and pumpkins, basically the two best parts of fall! 😍 Sometimes you just need to go to a craft store and make something. Today's project was a cute Plaid Pumpkins!! 

Step 1: Gather supplies 
These were the types of craft pumpkins I was able to find. Pretty cheap and a good overall shape. I think having a pumpkin with pretty defined pumpkin shape is important for this project since you will be covering it with plenty of fabric! 
Other supplies you'll need? 
I used fabric glue as well as a hot glue gun. Then find a fabric of your choice. I went with this cute fall plaid from JoAnns. My sister helped pick it out and honestly it was the first fabric I saw. #score. I only bought a yard but was able to do 2 large pumpkins and 3 small ones with still a little extra fabric. Finally you'll need something to cover the stems, I chose to use some dark brown twine. Also found at a craft store and as you can see there is plenty of extra. I also had some fall leaves in my house from other decorations that I added to the mix to prevent the pumpkins looking too much like I pin cushions. Haha. 

Step 2: Getting started 
Thankfully these are pretty easy. First you want to cut the fabric into a square large enough for each side to be able to reach the center stem of the pumpkin, this allows for full coverage. I also found later that cutting of the point of the corners left you with less extra fabric needing to be trimmed off the stem at the end. 
To glue the fabric on the pumpkin I simply followed the ridges on the pumpkins to place the fabric glue and then pressed the fabric onto it. Adding extra glue as needed to get the shape and coverage you want. Continue all the way around the pumpkin. 
Step 3: The stem
Doing the stem is probably the trickiest part. I used the hot glue gun at this point. And started at the base and slowly wrapped the twine around the stem shape. I didn't get a good picture of this step. My advice would he to go slowly and don't worry if it ends up lumpy or weird you can always go back through and recover areas. For the top I simply added pleantly of glue and then spiraled the twine until the tips were completely covered. 

Step 4: Decorate 
This is where the creative juices can really flow! Feel free to add any cute fixin's to make this pumpkin uniquely your own. For example I took some twine and wrapped it around a disposable staw and covered it with the fabric glue allowed it to try and when removed from the paper (pro tip don't use a straw covered in paper 😉)  they stayed all cute and curly a perfect addition to my largest pumpkin. For the smaller pumpkins I used only one leaf and found that I could simply glue the twine down in curly forms and it looked just as cute but didn't take as long. At this point I also added the leaves after my brother said they looked like pincushions. 

Step 5: Puke fall cuteness over your entire home
Okay maybe don't puke.... and maybe thats a weird way to say decorate your home with all the cutest fall pumpkins but I'd already had a step say "Decorate" so I couldn't do a repeat. Anyways, at this point I would giving the pumpkins a little time to dry would be good (mine didn't take long and I wasn't worried but if you have nice surfaces you wouldn't want damaged I'd let them fully dry before placing them). Then go nuts! Pumpkins everywhere!!! Make your home the fall kingdom you desire. 
As you can see with my newest additions I am getting quite a little collection of pumpkins. Yay! 😊 

No go forth friends. Create the life you love! Or at least a pumpkin to make you smile. 

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