1. Cuddle all day every day! Hopefully your quaruntine home comes with a cuddle buddy. My recommendation is a cute little doggo. Here's my buddy right now. He's always down for cuddles, snuggles and treats.
2. Pick up a new "useful" skill. Have you tried knitting? How about crocheting? Maybe some sewing? Honestly in the next month you could easily make a nice scarf. If you're really committed maybe a blanket. So get to it!!
3. Bread making. With extra time on your hands baking is a perfect way to use it. So far I've made about 6 different kinds of bread. Surprisingly it's not too difficult and there's truly nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread, well except maybe eating that freshly baked bread.
Here's my personal favorite from what I've made, an Herb Potato Artisan loaf. Oh man!!
4. Start a blog. I know what your thinking, 'I have nothing to write about.' But let me tell you something: you're living an absolute adventure! This is history and it's happening right now!! Maybe a blog isn't your thing, but write about what's happening. Tell your story it deserves to be told!
5. Up your self care routine. Do you like to bathe but never feel like you have time? You've got time now! Want to soak your feet or wear a mask during the day? Literally there is nothing to stop you now but you! Also just a quick tip there's nothing quite like sitting in a bath watching a movie on your laptop or cell phone. It's a real bath time game changer!!
6. Admit your desperation and download a dating app. Look at it this way, it'll give you something to do right now. ;) And no need to worry about any awkward dates, at least until this craziness is over. Plus you learn a lot about people when they're under high stress.
7. Start your spring cleaning. Have a random drawer you haven't cleaned in ages? No better time than right now. How about a closet you need to organize? Or Maybe you need to update your wardrobe and get ride of a few less than classy items. I mean why wait? If nothing else it'll put an end to your boredom.
8. Rewatch the best Nickelodeon show of all time, obviously Avatar the Last air Bender. Nothing will bring greater comfort during this stressful time than the wise and comforting words of Uncle Iroh. Plus pro tip Avatar is coming to Netflix this may. #blessed!
9. Re-connect with nature. Stay up all night star gazing. Walk through the woods. Sit in the sun without your cell phone. Dance in the rain. Find shapes in the clouds. Name the squirrels in your yard. Start a fairy garden. The world around us is truly magical, maybe we've lost sight of that with all the hustle, bustle and technological advances. But now we have a chance to change our focus and learn to really see again.
10. Read! Read a novel, a self help book, someone's blog. There is power in the written world. Use it to learn, escape and inspire yourself. Not sure what to read? Look out for my top 10 book recommendations!
So there you go! Go forth and fight the boredom with limited amounts of tv ;)