To help you decide on the chick flick for your special night I have complied a list of questions. Simply find the one right for you and choose a movie from that list!
Are you looking for a literary classic?
Pride and Prejudice, my preferred version has to be with Keira Nightly, plus lets be honest the sound track is incredible!
Emma, another Jane Austin will always be a valid choice.

Are you forcing your male SO to watch with you?

What If? (Not recommended if you're parents are in the room...)
In the mood for a time traveling romance? 

Somewhere in Time, this story takes place at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Oh! and I forgot to mention it has Christopher Reeve in it! *swoon*

Kate and Leopold, I'm starting to see a pattern with Meg Ryan being in all these movies. The best part of this movie has got to be young Hugh Jackman! Ooh, what a lovely man.

Disney is probably your best option friend :)

First get off this blog Sister! Then go enjoy your Valentines Day as a missionary by watching Legacy! Just trust me on this!

If you're looking for a sad story on Valentines day... well hang in there friend! Eat some ice cream, cry a little (or a lot) and enjoy your sadness.

This is the best Dog movie I've seen in ages! It made me cry but was so worth it! 10/10 would recommend.
Would you rather be celebrating Christmas?

I'll be honest I'd rather be celebrating Christmas too! These are some of the best Christmas chick-flicks you can go for! Or if you aren't sure about these, my Mom would recommend Christmas In Connecticut.
Looking for a Laugh out Loud chick-flick?
Too poor to Travel?
It's okay I do most of my travel through movies too!

Are you waiting for Prince Charming?
Ever After is the greatest Cinderella re-telling of all time! Drew Barrymore is brilliant and the love story is the *swoon* most wonderful ever! Oh!! I need to go watch this movie right now!
Or if all else fails...

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