Monday, February 24, 2020

Quick and Dirty tips for the UC warrior

This one goes out for the UC warrior's!!! Just some quick tips to make your life a little easier:

1. If you use a rectal suppository medication it's gonna go in easier if you haven't wiped. Yup! Gross and nasty and wash your hands after, but this is will help %100
1.5. Keep pushing! Okay again gross nasty, moving on. It's not far enough in until you literally cannot feel it anymore. So just push it in. Also p.s. it gets easier after the first few times. Don't stress huny. 

2. Joint pain is the worst but copper lined compression gloves will help your hands. Joint pain is one of the leading non-GI symptom to those living with UC. It's one I've recently began to face. Mine is mainly in my hands so these gloves will help. I sleep in mine everynight and I always have more mobility in my finger joints afterwards. 

3. Always carry tums, Gas-ex, peppermint whatever works to treat an upset tummy. Specially if it has a tendency to be triggered by certain foods! The ideal would be to simply avoid those foods, doesn't work but it's ideal. So come prepared and try to plan ahead. Heck if it's really an off day throw a change of underwear and a Ziploc bag in your purse it comes in handy. 

4. Have plenty of Pjs, girl you're gonna need options. Also stock up on comfy sweatshirts. All essential to dealing with bad pain days and flare ups. Also if you worry about wearing Pjs in public just stop. No one actually cares and you rock those Mickey mouse Pjs! 

5. Invest in a good hot pad, a few good ones. You'll want one for your room and one for your couch minimum. And maybe a travel one too. Let's be honest pain is better with a hot pad! It will carry you through many rough night's. 

6. Don't be afraid to try the weird treatments/home remedies. Essential oils? Heck yeah! Salt lamp for relaxation? Sure! Tumuric vitamin? Daily! Crystals under your pillow for healing? Why not! Do not underestimate the power of Belief and if it works for you keep at it. 

7. Laugh long and often! This is kind of a given but it works! The more you laugh the better you'll feel. Somedays you'll need to have a good cry before, during or after the laughter. But allow yourself to find humour in the situations and the world. And surround yourself with others who can share that humour. 

Until there's a cure don't give up! Share your story and share your tips to help others. Remember you are not alone. Sparkle on you majestic Unicorn! 

Friday, February 7, 2020

What to watch? Valentines edition

As Ive been preping for our nearest holiday, valentines day, if you didnt know.

To help you decide on the chick flick for your special night I have complied a list of questions. Simply find the one right for you and choose a movie from that list!

Are you looking for a literary classic? 

Pride and Prejudice, my preferred version has to be with Keira Nightly, plus lets be honest the sound track is incredible! 

Emma, another Jane Austin will always be a valid choice. 

Much ado About Nothing, I mean it's Shakespeare, need I say more? Okay not convinced what if I tell you young Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington are in it? 

Are you forcing your male SO to watch with you?

 Hitch, I think most guys will willing watch a Will Smith movie, so that makes it a compromise right? 
 What If?  (Not recommended if you're parents are in the room...) 
In the mood for a time traveling romance?  

 When We First Met, Not only is this movie hilarious it's also on Netflix!

Somewhere in Time, this story takes place at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Oh! and I forgot to mention it has Christopher Reeve in it! *swoon*


Kate and Leopold, I'm starting to see a pattern with Meg Ryan being in all these movies. The best part of this movie has got to be young Hugh Jackman! Ooh, what a lovely man.
  Need it to be a musical? 
 If you haven't seen or at least listened to the music from these you're seriously missing out! I mean these are classics, okay we can debate about La La Land later.

 Are you 10? 

 Disney is probably your best option friend :)

 Are you a Sister Missionary?
First get off this blog Sister! Then go enjoy your Valentines Day as a missionary by watching Legacy! Just trust me on this!
 Do you want a Sad story/ending?

 If you're looking for a sad story on Valentines day... well hang in there friend! Eat some ice cream, cry a little (or a lot) and enjoy your sadness.

 Is you're most committed relationship with your pooch? 
This is the best Dog movie I've seen in ages! It made me cry but was so worth it! 10/10 would recommend.

Would you rather be celebrating Christmas? 

 I'll be honest I'd rather be celebrating Christmas too! These are some of the best Christmas chick-flicks you can go for! Or if you aren't sure about these, my Mom would recommend Christmas In Connecticut. 
Looking for a Laugh out Loud chick-flick?

 Too poor to Travel?
 It's okay I do most of my travel through movies too!

 Is this a set up? 

 Here we are with Meg Ryan again, Sleepless in Seattle is easily my favorite chick-flick despite what others may say. And besides whoever sets you up, your kids or your Grandparent it might work out in the end. 
Are you waiting for Prince Charming?
Ever After is the greatest Cinderella re-telling of all time! Drew Barrymore is brilliant and the love story is the *swoon* most wonderful ever! Oh!! I need to go watch this movie right now!  

Or if all else fails... 
 Princess Bride is the movie to end all movies! It's a comedy, it's and adventure, it's a romance, it's the best movie of all time! #provemewrong 

SO there you go. If you haven't found your movie in this list go back and read it again! Or y'know just watch The Princess Bride.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Makeup or Make-nope

So last year I really felt like it was my time to look at my identity as a woman. Thinking about fashion and makeup and hair. I had to come to a decision about what defines my femininity and what did I want to define it? 
I made the decision to stop wearing all forms of makeup. My skin was having some negative reactions to the drugstore makeups I was using. I also felt pressure to always have my makeup done around certain people, especially men, and it never felt like something that was in my control. So with all that in mind I went through and tossed pretty much all of my old, and cheap, makeup. I went makeup free for about 3 months. My skin felt better than it had in ages. I wasn't fighting my achne, it wasn't red and itchy all the time, my eyes didn't hurt as much. And in many ways it was liberating. I still would get complements for looking nice and I felt like they were real because I was real and authentic. 
Then came summer with weddings and outings and I began to miss wearing makeup. I decided that I wanted to wear makeup again. But I wanted to do it on my terms I began to research makeup brands and types that are more natural and skin friendly. However I am a poor sick person and have to live on a budget so I decided to try Burts Bees makeup brand. It's more natural and I can buy it at my walmart. I started small testing out different shadows and options finding what I liked and what looks I liked. Around this time I started to wear lipstick and something clicked! I realized that I liked my lips and I loved the crazy colors the vibrant options! I also liked the class of a red lip and the elegance of a nude. Lipstick became something I really enjoy because my lips tend to be less sensitive that the rest of my facial skin. It's also easy to feel done up when you just throw on a quick lip color. 
The thing was that part of me felt like my desire to wear makeup again was somehow un-liberating me. I felt like I was once again conforming because part of my identity had become that I was makeup free. Finally one day I made my realization: it was my choice! I chose to wear makeup and to not wear it. I didn't wear it because I wanted to impress people. I don't wear it to catch a man. I don't wear it because I think I need it to be pretty. Or for any other reason. I wanted to wear makeup because I felt pretty in it. Because I felt powerful and confident in who I am. And when it comes to defining my femininity it's about how I feel. If painting my nails makes me feel beautiful then I'm gonna do it! If going bra-less makes me feel comfortable then I'm gonna do it. Because this is me. And with everything a chronic illness takes from you, your identity and the identity you create for yourself is all you have. So sparkle on beautiful people however you feel beautiful!