Any form of sex trafficing is absolutely horrific. Porn, strippers/strip clubs, play boy, even the NFL anything that feeds into the sexual industry is shameful. And I would encourage you to take a moment and really think about what you are supporting by your choices. There is no excuse for rape or EVER laying hands on a child in a sexual manor. I have very little forgiveness for individuals who have behaved in such a manor.
That being said, the big push on social media is that any sexual preditor should be: "shot" "put down like a bad dog" "tossed into wood chippers" Now again, do I feel like pedophiles should have to register, and should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes YES I DO. But I do not believe we should so flippantly discuss ending another human beings life. No matter their crimes.
Please remember in you're rush of self righteousness that these are human beings. Many of whom have been sexually or physically abused, many have mental disorders and illnesses going untreated. Does that in anyway excuse their actions? Heck no! But before you discuss ending their life think about of you would want to be the one to pull the trigger? Would you like to look in the eye the parents or grandparents of this person (not pedophile PERSON human being) and say that they don't deserve to live and you are going to take their life?
Should a pedophile be put to death? I don't know. I'm honestly not sure how I feel on the death sentence. Why should I or those in my race, political view or anything else determin who should live or die? I'm not sure I want that responsibility. My point is simply don't be flippantly deeming another person's life unworthy of living. Think before you speak and be educated before you decide on these matters. AND if you're opinions or views change and grow that's good. That means you are changing and growing and therefore still a human.
If you're looking for more information about the death penalty and other issues in our society I recommend you read Just Mercy. Its an excellent book, it really makes you think. And it takes these issues and makes them real in ways I couldn't imagine. Above all please choose to be kind.