So today I saw that Netflix (bless them for we are eternally grateful) has a new teen rom-com out. Now I am about as hopeless as a "hopeless romantic" can get. It's becoming a strange addiction and one day I might get help but for now I feed that little addiction whatever it wants! #bingethoseflicks So yes I've watched just about all the teen rom-coms Netflix has offered me. To all the boys I loved before? Yes please! The kissing booth? I vomited watching it, there were so many red flags I about died. The perfect date? Ehh, it definitely struggled but won me over in the end. Sierra Burgess is a Looser? I'd have to agree she isn't the greatest and that was painful to sit through, never again!
And now we have Tall Girl. Honestly the premise seemed kinda cute but holy freaking cow dramatic much? The girl is 6' 1" and literally acts like her life is over. Yeah yeah I get it she's bullied and apparently her father has never seen a tall girl so he's a wack-nut. I mean come on! "No one makes heals in my size" lies. "I'm too noticeable being this tall" yeah? Who cares! "No guy will ever ask me out because I'm so tall" disregarding the fact that there is an entire male character whose existence is there solely to ask her out and be the "nice guy". There were maybe 3 redemptive moments in the entire movie:
1. The super adorable black BFF who was 100% confidence and 100% done with your sh*t. Literally in her first introduction you see her standing up for a defending her best friend only to get written off and ignored the entire rest of the movie. Even by the lead who goes as far as to act hurt when she's blowing her friend off and gets told that validation from men is worthless. #preachsister And they didn't even bother to have a redemptive arch for the friendship they just sort of glazed over the fight and drama.
2. The father's redemption, as I afore mentioned the father was sorta a nut. He totally overreacted to the height of his daughter and spent most of the movie making things infinitely worse. His redeeming moment came after *spoiler alert* the "tall girl" gets stood up by her love interest. Dad goes up to her room and knocks on the door and says to the affect that no matter what he loves her, and he's here for her. It was so sweet. Then they played a little piano duet it was so sweet and tender. I love a good father daughter moment.
3. Number 3...... ya know what? I don't even think there was a 3rd redeeming moment! Haha! At least not one I can remember.
Honestly if you liked the movie great! I'm happy for you. These are just my personal opinions! So no offence meant!!
I just am so tired of these sad soggy chick-flicks. I'm tired of them force feeding me that nice guys are always the better choice but no girl will notice until she interacts with the hotter guy who turns out to be a total jerk. I'm tired of these ridiculous parents and families that could be so great and supportive. Basically I'm tired of these 1 dimensional character and plots that just leave me disappointed. What I'm learning is chick-flicks are a dime a dozen but the real good ones you gotta work to find.
Now excuse me while I go watch Sleepless in Seattle to work through my feelings.