Man oh man! Bad days strike out of no where! Life is mostly good, things are always a little stressful but oh well! You deal and find joy anyways. And sure you have "bad moments" in day to day life. Maybe you get the wrong order filled during lunch. Maybe a co-worker calls you out for no good reason. Maybe you date cancels last minute. But those things ultimately don't make you day all out, no good, bad!
So let's talk about bad days.... I'm talking you wake up and your whole body aches. You feel nauseous and can barely eat. You expel far more BM then you expect and your bum hurts for the rest of the day. Then you have a fever and go between hot and cold all day long. Ooh and did I forget to mention you're supposed to work today. And no where is comfortable, not the bed or the couch of even the floor. You just hurt, period.
So you cry and that causes a headache. And you worry about work because they really need you. And you really hate letting people down. But despite your best efforts you call in, and then cry some more. You try to go to Wal-Mart, after all you need a few essentials and yup, you guesses it, you cry at Wal-Mart. And so you spend most of the day napping and crying, kinda pathetic but there's not much else to do frankly. And that is the sum total of this bad day.
So why do bad days happen? And what do we do to deal with them? Well I believe bad days happen for a variety of reasons: (1) we live in a fallen world, and sometimes mortality just stinks, (2) humility is very important in life and sadly sometimes it takes a bad day to remind you of that, (3) it causes us to remember and rely on Him more, finally (4) it makes every good day all the better and so much more appreciated.
How do you deal with a bad day? Sometimes you just have to wait it out. Know that this too shall pass, your story isn't over yet. And hard as it may seem sometimes bad days are giant pause buttons from our body. So I give you permission to Stop! Rest and take care of yourself. But you do not and never will have permission to give up! Nope never! I promise the sun will come out again soon! And if you open your eyes you will see that He is here, especially when things are hard. So my lovely hang in there. And I pray tomorrow is a good day.